Mouthguards Ballarat

sports mouthguard ballaratMouthguards are moulded plastic designed to absorb shock from impacts, protecting both the jaws and teeth. Anyone playing sports are at the highest risk of dental accidents, however even those who participate in leisure activities, such as mountain biking or martial arts, could benefit from a mouthguard. Preventing dental injuries is always much more cost effective than treatment.

The best mouthguards are those that are fitting by a dental professional. By moulding it to fit your teeth precisely, the shock is better distributed to better prevent any permanent dental injuries. They are also significantly less bulky than mouthguards purchased over-the-counter, so it is easier to breathe and talk while wearing it.

What can I expect?

The process of making a mouthguard is simple. We will assess the condition of your teeth before taking a mould for the laboratory. Within a week or two, we will provide you with your mouthguard and show you how to wear and take care of it.

To have a chat with one of us at Dr. Virginia Williams’s Dental Practice about whether mouthguards would be helpful for you or your child, make an appointment by calling (03) 5331 9285.