Blog: Root Canal

4 stages of the root canal treatment explained

Root canal treatments are usually performed on infected teeth to preserve them and prevent the spreading of infection to other teeth. These treatments are very essential to preserve the natural teeth and avoid tooth removal.
It involves the removal of the…

What To Expect from A Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment. Did your dentist ask you to get it done? Are you scared?
What worries you more – is it the anticipated pain or the money it will cost you?
Well, reading this may not cure your pain, but awareness…

How does root canal treatment help dental health?

root canal treatment help dental health

Severe toothache, difficulty in chewing, sensitive teeth that makes food intake painful, and add to it is the problem of tooth decay… All these issues point towards the possibility of a dental treatment called the root canal procedure.
Root canal treatment…

Do you need root canal treatment?

need root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is used to repair teeth that are severely damaged and save them without having to extract them. The diseased portion of the teeth is removed during the procedure. To eliminate the infection, the hollow core of the…

Understanding Root canal Treatment

Understanding Root canal Treatment

Endodontic or root canal treatment helps in relieving tooth pain and saving teeth. But root canal has always been associated with severe pain and many are scared when they hear that they need root canal treatment. Inflammation or infection that…