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Exploring Dentures: Understanding Types, Costs, and Maintenance


Dentures, popularly known as false teeth, are an essential solution for tooth loss, offering both functional and aesthetic improvements. This guide delves into various aspects of dentures, including the different types, how much dentures cost, and the best ways to…

Is laser teeth whitening a good option for you?

Laser teeth whitening treatments, as suggested by the name, are professional dental procedures that involve the use of a laser to whiten the colour of the teeth.
The procedure begins with the application of a whitening solution on the surface of…

7 ways to take care of your dental implants

Dental implants are basically appliances that are used to replace missing teeth. They are attached to the jawbone with the help of metal posts that act as the root of missing teeth. Implants provide a lot of support to surrounding…

How to properly care for your dentures

Dentures are dental tools applied to the teeth to replace missing teeth. They are removable and available in two types: partial dentures and complete dentures.

Complete dentures
Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing and these dentures can cover…