Blog: Oral Health

5 Steps to Maintaining Your Oral Health with Dental Crowns

patient protecting oral health with dental crowns

Proper care for dental crowns is crucial to ensure their longevity and maintain your oral health. In this blog, we’ll walk you through 5 essential steps to help you keep your dental crowns in excellent condition. By following these steps…

Are You At Risk For Tooth Decay?

Risk For Tooth Decay

Breaking down dental enamel is called dental caries or dental cavities. This is seen irrespective of age – though most commonly seen in adolescents and older people. But that doesn’t rule out the chances of other age groups not getting…

Routine Dental Procedures And Their Benefits

Routine Dental Procedures

Routine dental care means going to the dentist twice a year for a dental consultation. Many would go twice a year for dental cleanings. These consultations also help to determine the likelihood of other dental concerns. Many would notice common…

An Overview Of Tooth Fillings

tooth fillings

Restorative dental treatment is done using tooth fillings. These filling are used to repair teeth that are damaged. Teeth get damaged due to lifestyle, lack of personal oral hygiene measures, habits such as smoking or using tobacco or accidents. The…

How Dental Sealants Protect Your Teeth

dental sealants

Fissure sealants or dental sealants offer protection to the teeth. They act as a net protecting the teeth from decay. Studies have shown that tooth decay can be arrested by about 80-85% by using sealants. These defensive coverings are beneficial…